Saturday, November 26, 2005

The weather woman

Am feeling quite pissed (angry,frustrated,about to tear my hair out kind of pissed/ not DRUNK!) since last night an am dying to unload my two cents worth on The Weather Woman.

"Who is she?" you may ask. But I am afraid that this information is only privy to the ones closest to me and you guys know who you are.

The Weather Woman is one person who, as the name suggests very "weathery".(if there is such a word). Unpredictable and erratic like the weather, she may be hot today, cold tomorrow and God forbid, frosty even (yes, that is very possible even in out tropical climate) the day after. Oh, let me change that.... she may be hot one second, cold for the next two hours and back to warm again the rest of the day (if I am lucky).

She is basically a B I T C H !

B - Borderline Insane/Scizo
I - Irrational
T - Temperamental , Totally Toxic
C - C * * *, Cold, Conniving, Calculative
H - Harpie

She is :

a) a bring me downer
b) a die if you do, die if you don't kind of person
c) someone who does not have a social life but resents those who do
d) one who must have if you have but ok if she has but you don't
e) rude and obnoxious
f) someone who screams at people 90% of the time
g) a repeat offender who slams down phone on you but goes berserk if you do it to her
h) insecure
i) very quick to point out fault in others but don't admit to having any faults herself
j) selfish
k) penny wise and pound foolish
l) petty
m) a big bully
n) vengeful ( woe to those who scorn her!!)
o) unforgiving
p) suspicious of everyone and everything
q) paranoid

And my mission is to be rid of her in my life ! Or pray for a miracle and that God will change her.

As of now, I will have to grit my teeth and bear with her so I guess I will have to pray hard for patience, love and forgiveness.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Of pet peeves and favourite things

Am down with a high fever due to a sore throat that has been with me for about two weeks now. Was trying to fight it without going to the doctor but guess who won ? Yeah... the throat...

Was also trying to sleep but with the construction next door and right opposite, I gave up after like 45 minutes cos trying to sleep was giving me a major headache. So decided that I might as well make an entry to my blog.

My pet peeves (in no particular order)

1) Shoes strewn all over the entrance of the house.
2) People who have no respect for public property who vandalises things from the pay phone to toilet doors to lifts etc..
3) Inconsiderate drivers who chose to drive at 20 km an hour and insist on driving on the fast lane.
4) Queue jumpers.
5) Rubbish throwers who knows not what a garbage can is for.
6) Customer service people who does not understand the meaning of the word 'customer' and 'service' but still choose to be in a profession that is supposed to provide that.
7) Pet abusers. (They ought to be shot or be abused by their pets!)
8) Rude people.
9) Being served luke warm coffee when it is supposed to be hot.
10) Hubby not putting the cap back on the dog shampoo, his cleanser, the toothpaste, the disinfectant solution.....
11) People who sink their nails into the apples at the supermart only to leave them behind for other people to buy.
12) Holding your breath whilst talking to a person who is unaware they they have bad breath and hoping you gag reflex don't give way before you are done talking to them.
13) Procastination especially in me self .
14) ATM machines which are not in working order especially on your "I'm already late and only have RM 20/= in my wallet days."
15) Bad hair days.
16) Bad baju days.
17) Pre menstrual, anxiety stricken, stress freak, bloated stomach days.
18) Fools.
19) People who talks loudly and brings noisy children into the cinema.
20) Laziness.
21) Being angry at someone and having to keep it inside.
22) Having to pretend to be who I am not sometimes.
23) Hypocrites.
24) Not being confident in who I am.
25) Durians.
26) Walking into a dirty public toilet.
27) Being late.
28) Being kept waiting.

My Favourite Things ( in no particular order)

1) Rachel, Chee Kan & Archie
2) Reading the papers in the morning and sipping hot coffee.
3) The smell of coffee.
4) The smell of new laundry.
5) The smell of freshly cut grass.
6) Going for a run in the morning.
7) Curling up with a really good book.
8) Cosmopolitan ( the magazine, not the drink)
9) Pigging out on luxurious dark chocolate and Haagen Daz ice cream with Rachel.
10) Seeing the pure unadulterated joy on my dog's face when we are about to take him for a walk.
11) Coming home after a hard day's work.
12) Being loved and loving back.
13) Peopling my world with my favourite people ( you know who you are)
14) Seeing my dog jump for joy when I am home.
15) Reality TV.( I am a fanatic !)
16) Watching re-runs of Sex & the City & Friends over and over and over again.
17) Hugs & Kisses.
18) Hearing from a long lost friend whom you just thought about the night before.
19) Curling up to my hubby on a cold cold night.
20) Shopping.
21) Shopping.
22) Shopping.
23) The Oprah Winfrey Show.
24) Calling Gramps on the phone.
25) Mark & Jamie Ho.
26) My wonderful sister.
27) Fitting back into a pair of jeans which was too tight for me two months ago.
28) Having uninterrupted poo-poo time with a good book.
29) Smiling at a stranger and having them smile back at you.
30) Massages
31) Getting flowers for no reason at all.
32) Sharing a pure telephatic joke which only three of us can understand with Rachel and Chee Kan.
33) Finding out Rachel has a good head on her shoulders, thinks I am cool and she actually loves me...... Aaaaw...
34) Having Chee Kan listen to me bitch about a hard day at work.
35) Sambal udang petai.
36) Sour Tape.
37) Waking up in the morning before the alarm rings and find out that I have 10 more minutes to sleep in.
38) Christmas.
39) Having a moment with God.
40) Hot showers on a cold day.
41) Drinking ice cold water on a hot day.
42) A moment of solitude in an otherwise mad day.
43) A good stretch.
44) Comfortable silences with Chee Kan.
45) Mom and daughter days with Rachel.
46) Mom and daughter days with my Mom.
47) Poring & reminiscing over old photographs.
48) Spending time with friends.
49) Finding extra money in your checking account.
50) Curling up to watch CSI with Rachel & Chee Kan.

Well, there you are. There might be more or less to add to this list as time goes by but hey, for the moment, this is ME !